Wednesday, January 13, 2010

St Christophers Hostel Paris Has Anyone Ever Stayed At St. Christophers Village Hostel In London?

Has anyone ever stayed at St. Christophers Village Hostel in London? - st christophers hostel paris

The amazing thing is this place? I can not handle it. What is your favorite memory are there?


mareecla... said...

so I booked in, but got the wrong day (due to New Zealand to the United States to travel (in time), then the United Kingdom (forward in time )!!!! not good after the fight with my luggage and down the stairs of the tube and go in the wrong place, etc.

I do not landed there to stay (stay with relatives instead), but people really irritating (such as New Year is already booked) and I stayed there for an hour at the bar (Thomas was not yet open for 10 hours!) If he is a Buy a cell phone, so that the load (due to some problems with communicating with my cousin !).... I continue to receive e-mails from the company "information, but his condition Tho 3 YEEAR now!

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